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Inne > Szkolenia IBM

Szkolenie: DB2 LUW Performance Tuning and Monitoring for Single or Multiple Partition DBs (CL443G)

Kod: [DB2-LUW]
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Learn how to tune for optimum performance the IBM DB2 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows relational database management system and associated applications written for this environment. Learn about DB2 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows in support of single partition and multiple partition database environments. Explore performance issues affecting the design of the database and applications using the database, the major database performance parameters, and the different tools that assist in performance monitoring and tuning. Use tools in class that are common across the Linux, UNIX, and Windows operating systems environments. During exercises running on DB2 10.1, develop your ability to use monitoring tools, Explain tools and DB2 utilities like RUNSTATS, REORG and db2batch to tune a database running on your local LINUX workstation using single and multiple partition DB2 databases.

The course materials cover DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.

You should complete:

  • DB2 9 for LUW Multiple Partition DBA Workshop (CL240) or
  • DB2 9 for LUW Multiple Partition Environment for Single Partition DBAs (CL250)

Cel szkolenia

• Define the impact of database design (tables, indexes, and data placement) on database performance
• Describe database application programming considerations and how they affect performance
• Identify and describe the parameters (database and non-database) that affect performance
• Tune parameters to achieve optimum performance for Online Transaction processing (OLTP) or Data Warehouse environments
• Identify and use the tools that assist in monitoring and tuning of single partition and multiple partition (DPF) databases
• Analyze Explain reports to identify the access strategies selected by the DB2 
 Optimizer for execution of SQL statements including the selection of indexes, join techniques, sorts and table queues.

Adresaci szkolenia

This is an advanced course for database designers, database administrators, and application developers working with DB2 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows who are concerned about performance in both single and multiple partition databases.

Czas i forma szkolenia

35 godzin (5 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

  • Database Monitoring
  • Database I/O Management
  • Table space and Table Design for Performance
  • DB2 Memory Management
  • Automated Memory Management
  • Application Performance Considerations
  • Using Explain Tools
  • The DB2 Optimizer
  • Using Indexes for Performance
  • Complex SQL Performance
  • Tools and Utilities for Performance
  • Event Monitor
  • Partitioned Databases Performance Tuning Considerations
  • Row Relocation Strategies and FCM Performance Considerations

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