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Autoryzowane szkolenia HPE > Data and Analytics

Szkolenie: HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Administration

Kod: [HG7G2S]
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This course is for administrators who want to learn about the installation, upgrade, system management, network integration and other tasks required to effectively administer HPE Ezmeral Container Platform 5.3. Hands-on labs are included.

Cel szkolenia

  • Understand all architecture components of the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform 5.3 
  • Understand all basic administration concepts of the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform 5.3, including installation, tenant management, user management and maintenance 
  • Understand application development to cluster handling 
  • Learn how HPE Ezmeral Container Platform integrates with existing IT infrastructure and integration with MapR 
  • Understand monitoring and alerting services in HPE Ezmeral Container Platform

Adresaci szkolenia

Hadoop administrators, system administrators, network administrators, IT managers 

  • Unix/Linux user and administration experience 
  • Hadoop/AI/big data application administration experience (Cloudera/ Hortonworks, Jupyter Notebook, Tensorflow, etc.) 
  • Experience in machine learning lifecycle (e.g. model training/development and model deployment) 
  • bash/shell/python scripting

Czas i forma szkolenia

21 godzin (3 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

1. Introduction 
• Introduction 
• Learning objectives review 
• Course schedule review 
• HPE Ezmeral Container Platform architecture overview 
• Control plane/management overview 
• Network architecture overview 
• Handling distributed stateful app 
• Storage architecture overview 
2. HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Packaging - Install, Upgrade 
• Requirement gathering and planning 
 HPE Ezmeral Container Platform installation checklist 
 HPE Ezmeral Container Platform sizing tool 
• Installation/deployment 
 Deployment + ecosystem planning 
 Worker/gateway deployment methods 
 App Store 
 Virtual cluster lifecycle (including scripts) 
 Container placement using host tags 
 Adding host to create Kubernetes cluster 
• Airgap support 
• License 
• Upgrade 
 Kubernetes cluster rolling upgrade
3. HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Multi-Tenancy 
• Multi-tenancy
 What is a tenant 
 Comparison EPIC tenant and K8s tenant 
• Tenant management 
 Kubernetes: Creating tenant 
 Kubernetes: Tenant and namespace 
 HPE Ezmeral Container Platform agent operator: Tenant management
4. HPE Ezmeral Container Platform User Role 
• User roles 
 Role and corresponding view 
 Navigating to different roles 
• User authentication 
 HPE Ezmeral Container Platform management login 
 User authentication into HPE Ezmeral Container Platform with 3 different methods 
 Exercise: Tenant group membership 
• RBAC: Role binding (authorization) 
 HPE Ezmeral Container Platform five users roles 
 HPE Ezmeral Container Platform role is mapped to K8s role (RBAC) • Session management 
 User authenticated sessions
5. HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Storage 
• Overall storage architecture 
• Ephemeral storage 
• Tenant share 
• Application persistent storage 
 Container migration 
• FS mount/DTap management 
• MapR management
6. MapR Integration 
• MapR terminology 
• MapR services 
• HPE Ezmeral Container Platform and MapR integration 
• MapR Control System (MCS) 
• MapR user accounts
7. HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Application 
• Complex stateful application deployment 
 App Store 
 Kubernetes application management 
• Anatomy of Kubedirector application 
• Application lifecycle 
 Deploy application 
 Deployment vs statefulset 
○ start, stop, scale virtual cluster 
• Kubedirector operator
8. HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Monitoring and Alerting 
• Kubernetes cluster service monitoring 
• Dashboard monitoring 
• Usage monitoring 
• Monitoring architecture 
• HPE Ezmeral Container Platform usage monitoring tools 
• Kibana: UI visualization 
• Collecting container node storage usage 
• Elasticsearch monitoring logs 
• Elasticsearch common tasks 
• Best practice 
• SNMP alerts and SMTP notification 
• From planning to production to optimization - Big-Dataas-a-Service lifecycle 
• Create and secure environments 
• Monitor, manage and optimize 
• Optimize memory usage
9. HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Technical Overview 
• Control plane/management overview 
• Network architecture overview 
• Handling distributed stateful app (App Store and deployment) 
• Container application services 
• Storage architecture overview 
• Ephemeral and persistent disks 
• Application persistent storage 
• Rest API
10. HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Network 
• Overall network architecture 
• Linux virtual networking 
• Docker networking 
• HPE Ezmeral Container Platform gateway 
• Gateway Loadbalancer 
• Case study: HPE Ezmeral Container Platform gateway 
• Gateway configuration scenarios 
• Kubernetes core DNS 
• EPIC: DNS for containers 
• Container network 
• Kubernetes network 
• Virtualized networking 
• Networking in multi-tenant environment 
11. Add-on and Picasso integration 
• Kubernetes Deployment and Add-ons 
• Picasso Cluster Deployment

Module 1: Login to HPE Ezmeral Container Platform 
• Task 1: Login 
• Task 2: Monitoring via HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Dashboard 
Module 2: HPE Ezmeral Container Platform - Cluster Management 
• Task 1: Create cluster 
• Task 2: App Store and virtual cluster 
• Task 3: ActionScript and Bootstrap script 
• Task 4: Virtual node resource 
• Task 5: Container placement 
Module 3: User Roles 
• Task 1: Create local users 
• Task 2: Configure external authentication for project members 
• Task 3: Observe differences in tenant membership 
• Task 4: Observe user membership 
Module 4: HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Tenant Management 
• Task 1: Create tenants 
• Task 2: Action performed on tenants 
Module 5: Kubernetes Tenant Management
• Task 1: Creating Kubernetes tenant 
• Task 2: Accessing a Kubernetes tenant 
• Task 3: Accessing Kubernetes web terminal 
• Task 4: KubeDirector application image 
Module 6: HPE Ezmeral Container Platform - User Management 
• Task 1: Create user 
• Task 2: AD/LDAP login 
• Task 3: Logon to container 
• Task 4: Container logon to container via AD/LDAP 
Module 7: Kubernetes User Management 
• Task 1: Internal user management 
• Task 2: External user management - AD/LDAP User 
Module 8: HPE Ezmeral Container Platform - Storage Management 
• Task 1: Storage concepts and DataTap 
Module 9: Kubernetes Applications Management 
• Task 1: Launch an application using KubeDirector app images 
• Task 2: Access application using service endpoints 
Module 10: HPE Ezmeral Container Platform - Monitoring 
• Task 1: BDaas monitoring 
Module 11: HPE Container Platform - Network Management 
• Task 1: Network - validate network isolation

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