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Autoryzowane szkolenia HPE > Data and Analytics

Szkolenie: HPE Ezmeral Container Platform Application Image Development (version 5.0)

Kod: [HJ7L4S]
Pobierz program


This course is designed for developers who create and run big data applications on HPE Container Platform 5.0. Although the platform provides a rich set of standard application images, This course guides developers on how to create, deploy and maintain additional application-specific images. The course consists of 50% lecture and 50% lab exercises. 

Cel szkolenia

• Obtain in-depth knowledge of HPE Container Platform 5.0 EPIC Application Workbench 
• Learn best practices to help accelerate the development of new application images
• Learn how to maintain and optimize application images

Adresaci szkolenia

System developers, big data application developers, business analysts, data scientists, data engineers 

  • HPE Container Platform Administration I (highly recommended) 
  • Unix/Linux user and administration experience 
  • Hadoop/AI/Big Data application administration experience (Cloudera/Hortonworks, Jupyter Notebook, Tensorflow, etc.) 
  • Experience in machine learning life cycle (e.g. model training/development and model deployment) 

Czas i forma szkolenia

14 godzin (2 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

1. Introduction 
• Introduction 
• Learning objectives review 
• Course schedule review 
2. HPE Container Platform 5.0 EPIC Applications and Workbench Overview • Components of HPE Container Platform 5.0 applications 
• Application Workbench overview 
• Introduction to cluster and tenant metadata 
• Big data application classification 
• Application integration patterns 
3. Training Environment Overview 
• Installation 
• Credentials and access walkthrough 
• Building a sample application (e.g., Hello World) 
 Application creation process
• Custom base Images 
• Running Action and Bootstrap scripts 
• Docker Registry and usage
4. Building a Single and Multiple Role Application 
• Developing a single role single service application (e.g,. Spark) 
• Developing a single role multiple services application (e.g., Spark) 
• Developing a multi-role multiple services application (e.g,. Spark/Jupyter) 
5. Building an Advanced Multi-Role Hadoop-Based Application 
• Hadoop distributions review (e.g., Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR) 
• Lecture 
• Building an advanced multi-role application - CDH 
• Building an advanced multi-role application - HDP

Training Environment Overview - Lab Exercise 
Building a Sample Application (e.g., Hello World) - Lab Exercise 
Building a Single Role & Single Service Application - Lab Exercise 
Building a Single Role & Multiple Service Application - Lab Exercise 
Multiple Role & Multiple Service Application - Lab Exercise 
Building an Advanced Multi-Role HadoopBased Application - Lab Exercise

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