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Autoryzowane szkolenia HPE > HPE Storage

Szkolenie: HPE InfoSight Analytics Professional

Kod: [HN5B0S]
Pobierz program


The HPE InfoSight Analytics Professional course provides an overview and hands-on lab exercises covering the AI-driven management and predictive analytics features and functionality of HPE InfoSight. In this course, you use HPE InfoSight to analyze performance issues and to gain recommendations for HPE Primera, HPE 3PAR, HPE Nimble, HPE servers, HPE SimpliVity and HPE virtualization infrastructure solutions. This course is updated to include new and advanced features of HPE InfoSight.

Cel szkolenia

After completing this course, students will be able to: 
  • Describe device registration requirements 
  • Navigate dashboards 
  • Analyze performance issues 
  • Analyze recommendation insights 
  • Forecast storage, server, and virtualization requirements

Adresaci szkolenia

The training targets HPE Primera, HPE 3PAR StoreServ, HPE Nimble, HPE server, HPE SympliVity, and HPE virtualization customers who are new to the HPE InfoSight portal. 

No previous experience with storage arrays and virtualization are necessary, but some knowledge of storage array and virtualization terminology is recommended.

Czas i forma szkolenia

14 godzin (2 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

Module 0: HPE InfoSight Analytics Professional Class Agenda 
• Welcome 
• Day 1 agenda 
• Day 2 agenda 

Module 1: Introduction to HPE InfoSight 
• What HPE InfoSight can provide 
• Review of HPE InfoSight case studies 
• Discuss the three core features of HPE intelligent storage AI vision (self-managing, self-healing, self-optimizing) 
• Identify the three pillars of how HPE leads AI for hybrid cloud (customer impact, cloud-based AI platform, cross-stack telemetry) 
• Identify the HPE Infosight O-L-P-R-A model (observing, learning, predicting, recommending, acting) 
• List what HPE InfoSight sees and predicts behind the scenes 
• Describe the AI process for self-healing storage (telemetry, scan, identify, fingerprint, signature, automated case lifecycle) 
• Describe the two requirements of predictive analytics (analytics/automation and AI recommendation engine) 
• Describe the architecture of the AI recommendation engine 
• List the common questions and answers that drive prescriptive insights 
• List the top five insights of Cross-Stack Analytics 
• Discuss the value of resource planning 
• Describe the four areas of HPE InfoSight unique value 

Module 2: HPE InfoSight Portal and Product Support Paths 
• Login to HPE InfoSight portal using HPE Passport 
• Navigate and configure the HPE InfoSight home/landing page 
• Invite additional users to HPE InfoSight 
• Manage HPE InfoSight organizations 
• Use the Resources menu to get HPE InfoSight support 

Module 3: HPE InfoSight for HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Nimble Storage 
• HPE InfoSight for HPE Alletra and HPE Nimble Storage support strategy 
• HPE InfoSight for HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Nimble initial configuration 
• HPE InfoSight for HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Nimble Storage theory of operation 
• HPE InfoSight for HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Nimble Storage connectivity prerequisites 
• HPE InfoSight for HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Nimble Storage wellness issues 
• HPE InfoSight labs for HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Nimble Storage 

Module 4: HPE InfoSight for HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera, and HPE 3PAR • HPE InfoSight for HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera, and HPE 3PAR StoreServ organization creation and device enrollment 
• Provide access to an organization 
• Merge/manage organizations 
• Use HPE Infosight to access the HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera, HPE 3PAR storage 
• Troubleshooting HPE Infosight devices enrollment issues 
• HPE InfoSight for HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera, HPE 3PAR frequently asked questions (FAQs) 

Module 5: HPE InfoSight for Servers 
• HPE InfoSight for Servers support strategy 
• Initial configuration 
• HPE InfoSight for Servers theory of operation 
• HPE InfoSight for Servers connectivity prerequisites 
• HPE InfoSight for Servers user management 
• HPE InfoSight for Servers List, Wellness and Operational Dashboards 
• HPE InfoSight for Servers email notifications 
• HPE InfoSight for Servers case creation 
• HPE InfoSight for Servers frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Module 6: HPE InfoSight Cross-Stack Analytics for VMware® 
• Cross-Stack Analytics 
• HPE Alletra 6000 and HPE Nimble Cross-Stack Analytics configuration 
• HPE Alletra 9000 and HPE Primera Cross-Stack Analytics configuration 
• HPE 3PAR Cross-Stack Analytics configuration 
• Cross-Stack Analytics case study 

Module 7: HPE InfoSight for HPE SimpliVity 
• The what, why and how 
• HPE InfoSight for HPE SimpliVity vs servers and storage 
• Requirements for HPE InfoSight on HPE SimpliVity 
• Evolution of HPE InfoSight for HPE SimpliVity 
• Getting connected: general topology considerations 
• Register with HPE InfoSight 
• Registering the HPE SimpliVity plug-in for VMware vSphere® client 
• Using HPE InfoSight or HPE SimpliVity 
• Visibility: data center, cluster and host details 
• Predictive analytics 
• VM resource utilization 

Module 8: Challenge and Course Review with Q&A 
• HPE InfoSight Analytics Professional Challenge – Introduction and scenario – Getting started 
• Review learning objectives 
• Review how to access available resources

Lab 1: General Navigation 
• Activity 1: Main menu and navigation 
• Activity 2: Bookmarks 
• Activity 3: Display and manage filters 

Lab2: HPE InfoSight Portal Help Navigation 
• Activity 1: HPE Infosight portal help navigation 

Lab 3: HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage Dashboards, Pools, Arrays and Volumes 
• Activity 1: The HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage Operational Dashboard • Activity 2: The HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage Recommendations Dashboard 
• Activity 3: The HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage Executive Dashboard 
• Activity 4: The HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage Wellness Dashboard 
• Activity 5: The HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage Capacity Dashboard 
• Activity 6: The HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage labs 
• Activity 7: HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage pools 
• Activity 8: HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage arrays 
• Activity 9: HPE Alletra 6000, HPE Nimble Storage volumes 

Lab 4: HPE Alletra 9000, Primera and HPE 3PAR Dashboard and Systems 
• Activity 1: Using the HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR Operational Dashboard 
• Activity 2: Using the HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR Wellness Dashboard 
• Activity 3: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR systems summary 
• Activity 4: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR systems capacity 
• Activity 5: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR systems performance 
• Activity 6: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR systems monitoring services/support 
• Activity 7: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR system details 
• Activity 8: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR performance 
• Activity 9: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR capacity 
• Activity 10: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR wellness history 
• Activity 11: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR case history 
• Activity 12: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR correlated history 
• Activity 13: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR disk details 
• Activity 14: The HPE Alletra 9000, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR status details 

Lab 5: HPE InfoSight for Servers 
• Activity 1: Using the Servers Operational Dashboard 
• Activity 2: Using the Servers Wellness Dashboard 
• Activity 3: Using the Servers Reports Dashboard 
• Activity 4: Using the Servers List 
• Activity 5: Server jobs and analyze logs 

Lab 6: HPE InfoSight Cross-Stack Analytics for VMware® 
• Activity 1: Viewing VMware datacenters 
• Activity 2: Viewing VMware clusters 
• Activity 3: Viewing VMware ESXi hosts 
• Activity 4: Viewing VMware datastores 
• Activity 5: Viewing VMware VMs 
• Activity 6: Contention tree maps and trends

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