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Autoryzowane szkolenia HPE > HPE Storage

Szkolenie: HPE Storage: Containers and Automation

Kod: [HN5A3S]
Pobierz program


This course provides hands-on learning for developers and administrators who create automation and integration applications. The course focuses on: 
  • Automating container applications using HPE storage arrays 
  • HPE modules for Ansible-enabled automated storage provisioning 
  • SDK to communicate with the HPE storage array over the WSAPI REST interface 
  • HPE Volume Plugin for Docker and the Container Storage Interface that provide persistent storage for your containerized applications and popular container platforms like Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift 
  • Tools and techniques to automate deployment of an application in Kubernetes with persistent storage

Cel szkolenia

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 
  • Demonstrate the use of the WSAPI REST interface 
  • Configure and use a Docker environment using the Docker storage plugin 
  • Configure a Kubernetes environment that uses HPE Primera/3PAR or HPE Nimble Storage

Adresaci szkolenia

Developers and administrators who create automation and integration applications Prerequisites Prior to this course, students should have experience with: 
  • Basic storage concepts 
  • Virtualization concepts, including Docker and Kubernetes 
  • Scripting or coding

Czas i forma szkolenia

14 godzin (2 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

Module 0: Course Overview 
• Course overview and objectives 
• Course benefits 
Module 1: Overview of Automating HPE Storage for a Container Environment
• Benefits of HPE storage for containers 
• Containers and storage plugins overview 
 Challenges in providing storage in a container environment 
 Use cases - DevOps CI/CD pipeline, IT operations, lift and shift, CaaS
 Storage operations for containers 
 The need for a storage plug-in 
Module 2: Using the Storage API 
• Storage API objects overview 
• Using the API for storage management 
• Exercise: Using Curl to make API calls to storage API 
• Exercise: Creating scripts to manage storage using the API 
Module 3: Using PowerShell 
• Overview of PowerShell 
• Using PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod to access the storage API 
• Exercise: Create and run PowerShell scripts to access the storage API 
• Exercise: Install and use an HPE storage PowerShell toolkit to create scripts 
Module 4: Using Ansible Automation for Storage Management 
• Installing and configuring Ansible modules for storage 
• Creating and managing storage volumes using Ansible playbooks 
• Exercise: Orchestrating storage with Ansible playbooks 
Module 5: Docker and Storage 
• Docker and storage overview 
• HPE Volume Plugin for Docker overview 
 Replication using RCG (replication groups)
 Multi-array support 
 Multi-CPG support per array 
 Encrypted password support 
 Snapshot scheduling 
 Import volume capability 
• Deploying the plugin 
 Overview of the plug-in installation process 
 Installation in Docker 
 Exercise: Installing and configuring the Docker plugin 
 Configuring and running an Ansible playbook for automatically deploying the HPE Volume Plugin for Docker 
 Exercise: Installing and configuring the managed Docker storage plugin 
• Storage operations in Docker 
 Creating and managing volumes
 Exercise: Deploying a Docker application with volume creation 
 File sharing operations 
 Cloning and snapshots 
 Exercise: Cloning a volume using Docker tools 
 Troubleshooting storage in Docker 
Module 6: Kubernetes and Storage 
• Kubernetes overview 
 Overview of the Kubernetes environment and architecture 
 Use cases for persistent storage 
• Storage in Kubernetes 
 HPE storage platforms for Kubernetes 
▫ Creating persistent storage 
▫ Managing the containerized volume plug-in 
• Storage plugins for Kubernetes 
 FlexVolume driver 
 Container Storage Interface 
 Exercise: Installing the Container Storage Interface for Kubernetes 
• Automated storage provisioning 
 Configuring automated volume management in Kubernetes 
 Exercise: Configuring automated volume management in Kubernetes 
• Automated storage provisioning 
 Configuring automated volume management in Kubernetes 
 Exercise: Configuring automated volume management in Kubernetes 
 Deploying applications with automated volume creation and attachment 
▫ Common controls for persistent storage 
▫ Dynamic provisioning for Kubernetes 
▫ Access modes for PVCs 
▫ Advanced policy-based provisioning 
▫ Self-service zero-copy clones of PVCs 
▫ Setting the default storage class 
• Exercise: Creating persistent volume claims 
• Exercise: Setting the default storage class 
• Exercise: Deploying an application with automated volume creation and attachment 
• Exercise: Volume replication, backup and recovery operations 
• Exercise: Using storage in a CI/CD environment

Signing in to the HPE vLabs Environment 
Lab Exercise Overview 
Part 1: Using the HPE Storage APIs 
• Lab 1: Using the REST APIs with Linux and Curl 
• Lab 2: Using PowerShell scripts to allocate storage 
• Lab 3: Using Ansible with HPE storage 
Part 2: Using Docker with HPE storage 
• Lab 4: Installing the Docker volume plugin 
• Lab 5: Deploying Docker applications with HPE storage 
Part 3: Automating HPE storage for applications with Kubernetes 
• Lab 6: Deploying the HPE Container Storage Interface for Kubernetes 
• Lab 7: Configuring automated volume management in Kubernetes 
• Lab 8: Creating persistent volume claims 
• Lab 9: Setting the default storage class 
• Lab 10: Deploying an application with automated volume creation and attachment 
• Lab 11: Creating a snapshot and a clone 
• Lab 12: Storage in a CI/CD Environment

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