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Autoryzowane szkolenia HPE > Data and Analytics

Szkolenie: HPE Training for Terraform

Kod: [HJ7F1S]
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This course provides foundational concepts for using the Terraform “infrastructure as code” DevOps tool, and introduces workflows for managing a large infrastructure effectively and safely with Terraform. The course covers key concepts, including how to automate the management of infrastructure, through a series of hands-on labs using Amazon Web Services (AWS). The course also introduces the building blocks for successfully implementing Terraform workflows across a large enterprise. HPE’s expertise, end-to-end delivery experience, and leadership in technical education solutions will help ensure your success in developing enterprise-grade Terraform deployments. 

Cel szkolenia

  • Understand the functionality and capabilities of the Terraform "infrastructure as code" tool 
  • Write Terraform scripts to provision virtual infrastructure using Amazon Web Services, starting with a basic virtual machine and gradually adding complexity 
  • Implement advanced Terraform configuration techniques that leverage modules, plugins, provisioners, and backends 
  • Learn recommended workflows for using Terraform effectively 
  • Learn how to collaborate effectively with a team that uses Terraform 
  • Learn how Terraform can scale across an organization

Adresaci szkolenia

The audience for this course includes system administrators, infrastructure engineers, application developers, cloud engineers and anyone else wanting to get a basic understanding of implementing and using Terraform to manage public, private or hybrid cloud infrastructure and services. 

Experience with a programming language

Czas i forma szkolenia

21 godzin (3 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

1. Introduction to Terraform 
• What is ‘infrastructure as code’? 
• Basic Terraform use 
  The workflow for creating, modifying and destroying infrastructure as code
 Lab: Introduction to Terraform workflow 
 Lab: Deploying a Windows machine using Terraform
• Practical Terraform use 
 Terraform state, modules and resource dependencies
 Lab: Infrastructure with explicit and implicit resource dependencies
 Lab: Customizing an Amazon AMI
2. Advanced Terraform Concepts 
• Writing reusable modules 
• Terraform in multi-cloud environments 
• Partial state recovery 
 Lab: Hands-on state recovery 
• Resource lifecycle management 
• Collaborating on infrastructure changes
3. Terraform Enterprise Best Practices 
• Achieving DevOps maturity
• Terraform Enterprise architecture and design 
 Demo: The Terraform Enterprise web interface 
• Creating workflows with workspaces in Terraform Enterprise 
 Lab: Using Terraform Enterprise’s remote state backend
 Lab: Configuring dev and prod environments using variables
• Integrating Terraform Enterprise with version control systems 
• Continuous provisioning workflows 
• Collaborating with Terraform Enterprise
 Lab: Connect a GitHub repository to create a continuous
 provisioning pipeline
• Compliance and governance with Terraform Enterprise

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