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Inne > Szkolenia IBM

Szkolenie: IBM DS8000 Implementation Workshop for Open Systems (SSF0G)

Kod: [IBM-DS8000]
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This course is designed to help you understand, install, and monitor the DS8000 for the Open Systems environment. The exercises enable you to perform a step-by-step implementation.

Cel szkolenia

• Recall the DS8000 models and features
• Remember the architecture and hardware associated with the DS8000
• Classify the DS8000 virtualization concepts
• Summarize the DS8000 DS8000 command-line interface
• Summarize the DS8000 graphical user interface
• List the Copy Services features
• Classify the features associated with performance, tuning, and monitoring
• List the steps required to configure the DS8000 for Open Systems environment
• Recognize the IBM DS8000 solutions for Business Continuity

Adresaci szkolenia

This intermediate course is for System administrators and technical personnel who need to install a DS8000 in their environment.

Czas i forma szkolenia

28 godzin (4 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

Day 1

  • Welcome and introduction
  • Unit 1: IBM DS family, DS8000 overview
  • Unit 2: Architecture and hardware overview
  • Unit 3: Virtualization concepts

Day 2

  • Unit 4: DS command-line interface (DS CLI)
  • Unit 5: DS8000 Storage Manager GUI
  • Unit 6: Host system attachment
  • Exercise 0: Lab setup and preliminary instructions
  • Exercise 1: DS8000 DS CLI: Installation and configuration
  • Exercise 2: DS8000 DS CLI: DDMs, array sites, arrays, ranks, and extent pools
  • Exercise 3: Windows Server preparation

Day 3

  • Exercise 4: Windows Server attachment to the DS8000
  • Exercise 5: AIX Server attachment to the DS8000
  • Exercise 6: DS8000 Storage Manager: Arrays, ranks, and extent pools
  • Exercise 7: DS8000 Storage Manager: FB volumes, volume groups, and hosts
  • Exercise 8: DS8000 Storage Manager: Other functions
  • Exercise 9: DS8000 Easy Tier: Dynamic Volume Relocation
  • Exercise 10: DS8000 Easy Tier: Dynamic Extent Pool Merge

Day 4

  • Unit 7: Performance, tuning, and monitoring
  • Unit 8: Business Continuity: Copy Services
  • Unit 9: Summary
  • Exercise 11: DS8000 Storage Manager: Thin provisioning
  • Open lab sessions

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