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Autoryzowane szkolenia HPE > PRINCE2®

Szkolenie: PRINCE2® Foundation + exam

Kod: [H6C24S]
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The PRINCE2 methodology is internationally accepted as the leading “best practice” project management approach in both the public and private sectors. This course teaches the PRINCE2 controlled approach to managing projects and is a mixture of presentations, discussions and practical sessions that convey the theory and application of the methodology. The course prepares participants for the PRINCE2 Foundation certificate examination.

Cel szkolenia

  • Understand the basic terms and concepts of PRINCE2 at a level sufficient to successfully pass PRINCE2 Foundation examination 
  • Know the PRINCE2 principles, themes and processes at a level sufficient to successfully pass PRINCE2 Foundation examination

Adresaci szkolenia

  • This course is intended for any organization or individual seeing the need for a controlled approach to managing its projects 
  • It is aimed at project managers and aspiring project managers. It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects, including project board members (e.g. senior responsible owners), team managers (e.g. product delivery managers), project assurance (e.g. business change analysts), project support (e.g. project and program office personnel) and operational line managers/staff
  • Individuals seeking the Foundation examination and certification Prerequisites Students are recommended to read the PRINCE2 core publication: Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (6 th edition) prior to class and prepare an individual list of topics for a more detailed study and discussion during the course. They should also be familiar with the structure, terminology, and philosophy of this publication


Podana kwota nie zawiera kosztu egzaminu, który należy doliczyć do ceny kursu przy składaniu zamówienia.
PRINCE2® 6th edition Foundation - Online Exam Voucher (1 dzień) - 1200 PLN

Czas i forma szkolenia

21 godzin (3 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

1. Basic Terms and Concepts 
• Definition and characteristics of a project 
• Structure of PRINCE2 and benefits of using PRINCE2 
2. Seven Principles 
• Continued business justification 
• Learn from experience 
• Defined roles and responsibilities 
• Manage by stage 
• Manage by exception 
• Focus on products 
• Tailor to suit the project environment 
3. Business Case Theme
• Purpose of a business case theme 
• Project outputs, outcomes, benefits and dis-benefits 
• Business case and benefits management approach
4. Organization Theme 
• Purpose of the organization theme 
• Three project interests 
• The project management team and its structure 
• Stakeholders and communication management approach
5. Starting Up a Project Process 
• Purpose, objective, and context of the starting up a project process 
• Project brief
6. Initiating a Project Process 
• Purpose, objective, and context of the initiating a project process 
7. Quality Theme 
• Purpose of the quality theme 
• Quality planning and quality control 
• Project assurance and quality assurance 
• Project product description, quality management strategy, product description, quality register 
• Customer quality expectations and acceptance criteria 
8. Plans Theme 
• Purpose of the plans theme and levels of planning 
• PRINCE2 approach to planning and product-based planning technique 
• Management stages 
9. Risk Theme 
• Purpose of the risk theme, basic terms and concepts of risk 
• PRINCE2 approach to risk, risk management approach and risk register 
• Risk responses and risk budget
10. Directing a Project Process 
• Purpose, objective, and context of the directing a project process 
• Project initiation documentation (PID) 
11. Progress Theme 
• Purpose of the progress theme, exceptions and tolerances 
• PRINCE2 approach to progress 
• Exception report, work package, daily log, lessons log, lessons report, checkpoint report, highlight report, end stage report, and end project report
12. Change Theme 
• Purpose of the change theme, types of issue 
• Change budget, issue and change control procedure 
• Change control approach, configuration item record, issue report, issue register, and product status account
13. Controlling a Stage Process 
• Purpose, objective and context of the controlling a stage process
14. Managing a Stage Boundary Process 
• Purpose, objective, and context of the managing a stage boundary process 15. Managing Product Delivery Process 
• Purpose, objective, and context of the managing product delivery process
16. Closing a Project Process 
• Purpose, objective and context of the closing a project process

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