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Autoryzowane szkolenia HPE > PRINCE2®

Szkolenie: PRINCE2® Practitioner + exam

Kod: [H6C25S]
Pobierz program


This training prepares candidates for the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam. It examines the principles, themes and processes of PRINCE2 and encourages candidates to apply them to real projects.

Cel szkolenia

  • Review your individual preparation for the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination
  • Develop your ability to apply the PRINCE2 method appropriately through various project-based scenarios and discussions
  • Complete example answers to typical practitioner examination question papers and receive constructive feedback from an approved PRINCE2 trainer
  • Discuss specific areas of PRINCE2 anddevise exam strategies

Adresaci szkolenia

This certification is aimed at project managers and aspiring project managers. It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects, including project board members (e.g. senior responsible owners), team managers (e.g. product delivery managers), project assurance (e.g. business change analysts), project support (e.g. project and program office personnel) and operational line managers/staff.

In order to sit for the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination, you must provide proof of having passed one of the following:

  • PRINCE2 Foundation
  • Project Management Professional (PMP®)
  • Certified Associate in Project Management(CAPM®)
  • IPMA Level A® (Certified Projects Director)
  • IPMA Level B® (Certified Senior Project Manager)
  • IPMA Level C® (Certified Project Manager)
  • IPMA Level D® (Certified Project Management Associate)


Podana kwota nie zawiera kosztu egzaminu, który należy doliczyć do ceny kursu przy składaniu zamówienia.
PRINCE2® 6th edition Practitioner - Online Exam Voucher (1 dzień) - 1550 PLN

Czas i forma szkolenia

14 godzin (2 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

Module 1: Terms and Concepts 
Module 2: Seven PRINCE2 Themes 
• The relationship between a program’s business case and a project’s business case • Applying the four levels of the project management structure to the process model • Quality audit trail 
• Using the quality review technique for a specific product 
• Review of the composition, fitness for purpose, and reasoning of a plan and the appropriate roles throughout the life of a project 
• The appropriate use of the product-based planning technique 
• The concept of inherent, secondary and residual risks, in which process issues are captured and managed, and which roles are responsible 
• Identifying the appropriate type for a given issue, the appropriate actions and responsibilities when applying the recommended issue and change control procedure, appropriate resource(s) for the role of Change Authority 
• Analyzing if activities undertaken to manage by exception during the execution of the project were applied appropriately, with reasons, and whether the appropriate roles have been involved 
• The management products and their recommended composition and interrelationships 
• Tailoring the relevant aspects of the seven themes to a project scenario 
• Identifying, analyzing and distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate application of the seven themes throughout the life cycle of a project scenario 

Module 3: Seven PRINCE2 Processes 
• In which processes are the management products developed, used and reviewed, and which roles are responsible for this 
• Applying the four levels of the project management structure to the process model 
• Discussing the activities within each of the seven processes and the responsibilities within them 
• Learning how the seven themes may be applied within each of the seven processes 
• Tailoring the recommended activities and actions of each of the seven processes to a project scenario 
 Identifying, analyzing and distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate application of the seven processes to a project scenario 

Module 4: The Practitioner Examination Overview 
• Typical topics for preparation, individual practical work and objective testing 
• A summary of the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination -- what types of questions will be asked, typical practitioner questions, suggested approaches to answering practitioner examination questions 
• Exam hints and tips

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