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Wirtualizacja > VMware

Szkolenie: VMware NSX - Troubleshooting and Operations [V6.4]

Kod: [EDU-NSXTO64]
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This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competence in operating and troubleshooting the VMware NSX® 6.4 environment. In this course, you are introduced to several operational, management, and troubleshooting tools. You will be presented with various types of technical problems, which you will identify, analyze, and solve through a systematic process.

Cel szkolenia

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • Establish and apply a structured troubleshooting approach and methodology
  • Explain the native NSX tools, VMware vRealize® Suite tools, and partner tools that are useful for monitoring, troubleshooting, and operations
  • Explain the NSX infrastructure components and the communications between them
  • Identify, analyze, and troubleshoot problems related to the NSX management, control, and data planes
  • Identify, analyze and troubleshoot problems related to NSX logical switching, logical routing, and VMware NSX® Edge™ services
  • Identify, analyze, and troubleshoot network security problems related to the NSX distributed firewall and the NSX Edge firewall

Adresaci szkolenia

Network professionals who work with enterprise networks and VMware Sphere® 6.x


  • Knowledge and working experience of computer networking, including:
    • Switching and routing technologies (L2-3)
    • Network and application delivery services (L4-7)
  • Knowledge and working experience of vSphere
  • Knowledge and working experience of NSX installation, configuration, management, and operations

Before taking this course, you should attend either the VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage course OR the VMware NSX for Internetworking Experts Fast Track course.

The VMware Certified Professional 6 – Network Virtualization (VCP6-NV) certification is recommended.


This course prepares you for the following certification:

  • VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Network Virtualization Deployment (VCAP6-NV Deploy)

Czas i forma szkolenia

35 godzin (5 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

1. Course Introduction
• Introduction and course logistics
• Course objectives
• Resources and references
• Learning paths and certifications

2. Troubleshooting Methodology
• Develop a structured troubleshooting approach
• Differentiate between symptoms and root causes
• Identify and isolate problems residing in various areas
• Apply an appropriate methodology and procedure to troubleshooting

3. NSX Troubleshooting and Operational Tools
• Discuss NSX operational requirements
• Use the native NSX tools (such as the central CLI, the NSX dashboard and
Application Rule Manager) to solve various types of problems
• Use vRealize Network Insight to identify and analyze problems
• Use VMware vRealize® Log Insight™ Content Pack for NSX in troubleshooting and operations

4. Troubleshooting and Operating NSX Infrastructure
• Explain the NSX infrastructure and component communications
• Troubleshoot VMware NSX® Manager™ and the management plane
• Troubleshoot VMware NSX® Controller™ and the control plane
• Troubleshoot problems in host preparation

5. Troubleshooting and Operating NSX Logical Switches
• Explain VXLAN and logical switching components
• Verify the VXLAN and logical switch configuration and status
• Identify and troubleshoot common layer 2 configuration errors
• Use the GUI, the CLI, packet capture, traceflow, and other tools to
troubleshoot logical switching problems

6. Troubleshooting and Operating NSX Logical Routers
• Describe the NSX logical routing architecture
• Explain routing components, functions, and communications
• Verify logical router configuration settings
• Use packet capture on routers and perform packet walk
• Use the GUI, the CLI, traceflow, and other tools to troubleshoot logical
routing problems

7. Troubleshooting and Operating NSX Edge Services
• Verify edge services (such as DHCP and DNS) configuration settings and
operational status
• Troubleshoot various types of VPN services (SSL VPN-Plus, L2 VPN, and
IPsec VPN)
• Verify the configuration and status of logical load balancers
• Troubleshoot common load-balancing and high availability scenarios

8. Troubleshooting and Operating NSX Security Services
• Discuss the NSX distributed firewall architecture, components,
communication channels, and features
• Use the CLI and other tools to troubleshoot the configuration and
operations of the NSX distributed firewall and the NSX Edge firewall
• Explain and troubleshoot the Service Composer components and
• Troubleshoot common problems related to Identity Firewall
• Examine Guest Introspection architecture, components, services and operations
• Verify Guest Introspection deployment configuration and functions and troubleshoot common problems

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