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Wirtualizacja > VMware

Szkolenie: VMware Workspace ONE - Deploy and Manage [V21.x] (EDU-WS1DM21X)

Kod: [EDU-WS1DM21X]
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In this five-day course, you learn how to apply the fundamental techniques for launching and maintaining an intelligence-driven, multi-platform endpoint management solution with Workspace ONE UEM. Through a combination of hands-on labs, simulations, and interactive lectures, you will configure and manage the endpoint lifecycle. After the course, you will have the foundational knowledge for effectively implementing Workspace ONE UEM. Also, you learn how to apply the fundamental techniques for integrating Workspace ONE Access with Workspace ONE UEM to securely distribute business-critical applications from any device and configure access management controls. Through a combination of hands-on labs, simulations, and interactive lectures, you configure Access, enterprise, and productivity integrations. You’ll leave with a foundational understanding of how Workspace ONE uses various authentication methods and protocols to determine user access permissions and enable single sign-on. Overall, the course will lay out the foundational principles of identity and access management.

Cel szkolenia

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • Explain the general features and functionality enabled with Workspace ONE UEM
  • Summarize essential Workspace ONE administrative functions
  • Summarize and implement shared Workspace ONE integrations Explain the integration of Workspace ONE UEM with directory services
  • Explain and deploy Workspace ONE edge services
  • Onboard device endpoints into Workspace ONE UEM
  • Securely deploy configurations to UEM managed devices
  • Maintain environment and device fleet health
  • Deploy applications to UEM managed devices
  • Analyze a Workspace ONE UEM deployment
  • Explain the general features and functionality enabled with Workspace ONE Access
  • Integrate Workspace ONE UEM with Workspace ONE Access 
  • Summarize and implement Workspace ONE Productivity services into the digital workspace environment.
  • Explain the methods for enabling mobile single sign-on for mobile endpoints managed within the digital workspace
  • Ready and configure Workspace ONE Access to support SAML 2.0 for federated authentication across the workforce

Adresaci szkolenia

Workspace ONE administrators, experienced mobility and identity administrators, account managers, solutions architects, solutions engineers, sales engineers and consultants.

This course has no prerequisites.

Czas i forma szkolenia

35 godzin (5 dni x 7 godzin), w tym wykłady i warsztaty praktyczne.

Plan szkolenia

1. Course Introduction
• Introductions and course logistics
• Course objectives

2. Platform Architecture
• Summaries the features and functionality of Workspace ONE Unified
Endpoint Management (UEM)
• Outline the benefits of leveraging the Workspace ONE UEM
• Recognize the Workspace ONE UEM architecture and infrastructure needs
for various integrations

3. Administration
• Explain the features and functions of Workspace ONE Hub Services
• Summarize hierarchical management structure
• Navigate and customize the Workspace ONE UEM Console
• Outline account options and permissions

4. Integrations
• Outline the process and needs to integrate with directory services
• Explain certificate authentication and practical implementation with
Workspace ONE
• Explain email integration options and best practices
• Summarize content access enabled with Workspace ONE UEM

5. Onboarding
• Outline autodiscovery staging requirements and methods
• Enroll an endpoint via the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app
• Summarize platform onboarding options

6. Managing Endpoints
• Explain the differences between device and user profiles
• Describe policy management options for Windows 10 and macOS
• Summarize the Freestyle Orchestrator feature
• Outline the capabilities enabled by sensors and scripts
• Formulate a use-case for product provisioning

7. Maintenance
• Identify console tools that support maintenance
• Analyze how to implement compliance policies can protect environmental
• Outline features and functions enabled by Workspace ONE Assist

8. Application Access and Security
• Summarize public, internal, & purchased application management
• Differentiate software distribution from traditional application management
• Summarize application management capabilities of Workspace ONE UEM
• Outline the benefits and features enabled by the Workspace ONE SDK

9. Intelligence and Automation
• Outline the functionality enabled by Workspace ONE Intelligence
• Summarize and deploy automation

10. Workspace ONE Access
• Summarize the benefits of Workspace ONE Access
• Outline the core features and functions enabled by Workspace ONE Access
• Navigate the Workspace ONE Access ConsoleExplain the functions of
Directory Integration with Workspace ONE Access
• Explain the various types of authentication protocols enabled by Workspace
ONE Access

11. Connecting UEM and Access
• Explain the rationale for integrating UEM and Access
• Outline process of connecting UEM and Access
• Examine workflow of integrations
• Summarize the key features of an integrated solution
• Review and troubleshoot the upgrade process for NSX-T Data Center

12. Productivity Integration
• Identify the functions enabled by the UAG
• Outline the purpose of the SEG Edge Service
• Explain the features enabled by the VMware Tunnel Edge Service
• Summarize the capabilities enabled by the Content Gateway Edge Service

13. SAML 2.0 Authentication
• Outline authentication methods supported by Workspace ONE Access
• Summarize the main properties of SAML protocol
• Summarize the SAML authentication workflow
• Explain application SSO authentication workflow with SAML

14. Mobile Single-Sign On
• Describe the concept of Mobile SSO (single sign-on) concept
• Outline mobile SSO workflows

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